Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chris Paul or Dwight Howard?????

I'm drooling at the possibility of the Lakers landing Chris Paul and or Dwight Howard.  I think if they landed them both, they'd almost certainly be back in the finals.  I do feel like it's more likely that they only get one of them at best, so it's leading me to think about which one I would prefer.  I think what most people seem to be forgetting is that the Center position is definitely not the Lakers weakness.  Sure Bynum and Gasol have both had their ups and downs, but as a duo I still think they are probably the best starting front line in the NBA.  Howard is definitely better than either of them, there is no question about that.  I think that he would do best if we were able to deal Bynum, but manage to keep Gasol.  I think D12 would definitely make up for just about any weakness that Gasol has, and the fact that Pau can hit the 15 foot jumper would provide a lot more space for Howard down in the Post.  If Pau is gone and Bynum is there instead it would be better defensively, but Bynum and Howard pretty much have the same offensive game.  Either way, I suppose it wouldn't be a problem to have Dwight paired up with either of those guys.   Now when it comes to Chris Paul, it's pretty simple.  Paul is head and shoulders above what the Lakers have at the point guard position.  The absolute only reason to not get Paul would be because you wouldn't want to hurt your chances of being able to get Dwight Howard.  Now, everyone seems to be saying that Dwight wants nothing more than to go play with Kobe and the Lakers.  Chris Paul on the other hand seems to be more open to a lot of other places including the Knicks. So when I think about it,  I think the Lakers should go after a trade to get CP3 now, and take a leap of faith that Howard will enter free agency this summer.  I think that idea isn't far fetched at all,  all Dwight has to do is suffer through one more season in O-Town, and then he can bounce to L.A. this summer!!!!  I hope L.A. gets both of them immediately, but I stand by my logic that it might be easier to get Paul now, and get Howard this summer!