Saturday, September 17, 2011

Should Kobe take his Talents overseas?

As everyone I'm sure has noticed, there is a lot of talk about different players, including Kobe, possibly playing overseas if there is a shortened season due to a lockout.  I understand the thinking for many of the players, but is it really something that one of the NBA's greatest players of all time should do? I'm not so sure.....

There are definitely many pros and cons about playing in a foreign land.  The first positive is obvious, practice! What better way to stay sharp than to keep playing "competitive" basketball. While this is very important for many of the young players in the league, I'm not convinced that Kobe really needs to do this to stay in a groove. With all of his injuries the last few years, I think the time would prove most valuable if he can get his body as close to 100% as possible for when the season does begin.  Another positive, would be from a purely marketing stand point.  Playing overseas in front of different markets, especially in China (where there are 1 billion people) could be great for the careers of many of the up and comers in the League.   Once again though, does Kobe really need that? I'm sure it would turn him into even more of an international superstar, but how much could it possibly do for a guy that already sells the most jerseys in China.  The risks could be huge! Kobe would be less likely to be at 100% when the NBA season begins, and the risk for further injuries really might not be worth the risk!  I've pretty much made up my mind on the idea and my opinion is that he should stay home in the USA, unless

  1. Several of the NBAs top stars sign on in teams that are in the league so that the competition is high
  2. Kobe would definitely need a clause in his contract, allowing him to join the lakers whenever the season returns.
  3. He get's offered a mountain of $$$$, not 1 million, I'm talking $10 million plus
  4. He promises that the lakers will win the 2012  NBA title
  5. If I can review all of the information presented in his offer, and allow Mr. Bryant to proceed.
That's It, so Kobe, let's  make a decision here soon!

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