Friday, April 6, 2012

Kobe's looking better!

After looking like absolute shit for most of the game against the Hornets, Kobe has been on beast mode.  His shooting percentage is waaaaay up, and he's made every clutch shot he's taken lately! It's good to see him coming around, I'm actually kinda glad all of this drama with Kobe's shooting percentage and Bynum's attitude happened when it did!  I like seeing some of the lakers a little bit (or a lot) pissed off! It seems to give them a chip on their shoulders and it seems like both Bynum and Kobe have responded! Bynum came off of an injury and almost didn't play, then went on to drop 36 points, I definitely like that.  All of the drama I think might help Ramon Sessions as well, we have high expectations for him, but all of the drama has allowed him to ease his way in a bit.  With that said, I have been extremely impressed with his play.  His ability to get to the basket and score quickly still makes me surprises me, we just haven't seen that from a lakers PG in a few years and it's great!!!   I'm still very confident going into the playoffs, the only team that really scares me out west is the Thunder.  Yeah, they are very scary, but they definitely can be beat!!! It's gonna be exciting to watch the last stretch of games! Buckle up!

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